[AMPL 24521] Call for Presentations: SOFTWARE FOR OPTIMIZATION -- IFORS 2023, Santiago, Chile

I am organizing a cluster of sessions on


at IFORS 2023, the 23rd Conference of the International Federation of
Operational Research Societies, to be held in Santiago, Chile, 10-14 July


This triennial meeting attracts optimization researchers and practitioners
from throughout the world and will be the largest OR conference of the

The topic of this cluster encompasses software of all kinds for modeling and
solving optimization problems. Presentations are sought on advances in
solver software for all categories of optimization, both linear and
nonlinear, continuous and discrete, as well as software for optimization
model development and application deployment.

  --> DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 15 March 2023 <--

To contribute an abstract directly, simply go to the conference submission

      Abstract submission

and create or log in to your euro-online account. Then under "Abstract in an
organized session" enter one of the following codes:

   fea7dc50 for continuous & mixed-integer linear/quadratic solvers
   0e1544ae for local and global nonlinear optimization
   f1baa673 for optimization modeling and deployment software
   8dce7b33 for other optimization solvers and software

Finally, click the "Submit invited abstract" button, and you will see a page
where you can enter a title, abstract, and keywords. Subsequently you will
have the opportunity to edit your submission and to add co-authors. (Talks
will be organized into sessions at a later date.)

Do you have questions or suggestions, or need help with a submission? Please
contact me directly:

Bob Fourer

There's still a week left to submit a presentation to IFORS 2023, the 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, to be held in Santiago, Chile, 10-14 July 2023:


This triennial meeting attracts optimization researchers and practitioners
from throughout the world and will be the largest OR conference of the

Presentations on all aspects of OR are welcome, but I am posting to this AMPL user forum specifically to invite presentations in


The topic of this cluster encompasses software of all kinds for modeling and
solving optimization problems. Presentations are sought on advances in
solver software for all categories of optimization, both linear and
nonlinear, continuous and discrete, as well as software for optimization
model development and application deployment.

  --> DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 30 March 2023 <--

To contribute an abstract directly, simply go to the conference submission

      Abstract submission

and create or log in to your euro-online account. Then under "Abstract in an
organized session" enter one of the following codes:

   fea7dc50 for continuous & mixed-integer linear/quadratic solvers
   0e1544ae for local and global nonlinear optimization
   f1baa673 for optimization modeling and deployment software
   8dce7b33 for other optimization solvers and software

Finally, click the "Submit invited abstract" button, and you will see a page
where you can enter a title, abstract, and keywords. Subsequently you will
have the opportunity to edit your submission and to add co-authors. (Talks
will be organized into sessions at a later date.)

Do you have questions or suggestions, or need help with a submission? Please
contact me directly:

Bob Fourer