Could someone help me to solve this issue please,
I have 7 devices, each device represents with a letter g, and the device that is neighbor to it represents with a latter gu.
Devices 1 to 4 are transmitters, devices 5 and 6 are switches, and device number 7 is controller . Device No. 1 can send to device No. 2 via device No. 5, and device No. 2 has a direct link that it can send to device No. 3 without any switch. Device No. 3 sends to device No. 4 through device No. 6. Device No. 1 can send It is sent to device No. 4 through device No. 7. Device No. 1 and 2 are a group in the same group connect together by device no 5. And the devices.Device No. 3 and 4 are anther group in the same group connect with device NO 6
Here is a summary of the connections between the devices:
Device 1 can send data to Device 2 through Device 5.
Device 2 can send data directly to Device 3.
Device 3 can send data to Device 4 through Device 6.
Device 1 can send data to Device 4 through Device 7.
Devices 1 and 2 are in the same group, connected by Device 5.
Devices 3 and 4 are in the same group, connected by Device 6.
There is a amount of data traffic being sent and receive between them.
in AMPL i have represents them like this:
var E{g in G,gu in GU[g]}binary;# =1 if the phat between g and neighbor gu is active otherwise = 0
paramD >=0; #large number
param o integer > 0;
set R within {1…o, 1…o};
param wer{R};
#dataTraffic variable has a value (Traffic Value) if there is a traffic between g and gu and otherwise (if there is no traffic between g and gu) dataOutput=0
var data_Traffic{g in G, gu in GU[g]}>=0; # amount of traffics between two devices g and gu
s.t. data_Path1 {g in G, gu in GU[g]}:data_Traffic[g,gu]<= D* E[g,gu];
s.t. data_Path2 {g in G, gu in GU[g]}:D*data_Traffic[g,gu]>=E[g,gu];
#data Path Capacity
s.t. data_Path_Capacity {g in G,gu in GU[g]}: data_Traffic[g,gu]<=E[g,gu]*wer[g,gu];
in data file I have:
param: R:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :=
1 . . . . 25 . 30
2 . . 25 . 25 . .
3 . 25 . . . 25 .
4 . . . . . 25 30
5 25 25 . . . . .
6 . . 25 25 . . .
7 30 . . 30 . . . ;
The problem is that every time the model chooses to communicate only from device number two to three. Even if this link consume higest power consumation . I want it to choose the path that does not spend more energy. Can someone help me formulate this condition?