Hi, I want to write a code that uses for loop. I have an error: “Rejecting declaration because it uses loop dummy n_val.
context: var temp := >>> n_val; <<<”
To be honest I’ve tried several solutions and non of them worked fine. This is my first program in AMPL ever, thans in advance for any help.
#choose solver
option solver cplex;
option log_file “C:\Users\asia-\Desktop\BI 2\Games and decisions in management\solution1 3a.txt”;
#start new model (clear AMPL memory)
#input data
set n := 1…10; #number of items
for {n_val in n} {
#decision variables
var temp := n_val;
var x{1…temp} binary;
#objective function
maximize value:sum{i in 1…temp} i*x[i];
subject to
knapsack: sum{i in 1…temp} i*x[i]<=n_val/2;
#provide data
#solve the model and display results
display temp, value > ‘C:\Users\asia-\Desktop\BI 2\Games and decisions in management\results1_3.txt’;