Ampl erorr in phase I ITERATION

hello, am having problems with my phase I iteration if someone could help me,here are my model, data and run


set COLL; # collecton points
set DIS;  # disposal sites
set CON;  # conveyance

param supply {COLL,CON}>= 0; # amount available at collections
param demand {DIS,CON} >= 0; # amount required at disposals
   check {k in CON}:
   sum {i in COLL} supply[i,k] = sum {j in DIS} demand[j,k];
param price_convex;# dual price on convexity constr
param price{COLL,DIS} <= 0.000001; # dual price on transport limit
param cost {COLL, DIS, CON} >= 0; # transport cost per unit
var Trans{COLL,DIS,CON} >= 0; # unit to be transported

minimize Artif_Reduce_cost:
            sum{i in COLL,j in DIS,k in CON}(cost[i,j,k]-price[i,j])*Trans[i,j,k]-price_convex;
minimize Reduce_cost:
           sum{i in COLL,j in DIS,k in CON}(cost[i,j,k]-price[i,j])*Trans[i,j,k]-price_convex;
subject to Supply {i in COLL,k in CON}:
              sum{j in DIS}Trans[i,j,k]= supply[i,k];
subject to Demand {j in DIS,k in CON}:
              sum{i in COLL} Trans[i,j,k]=demand[j,k];


param limit{COLL,DIS} >= 0; # max transported on each link
param nPROP integer >= 0;
param Prop_Transport{COLL,DIS,1..nPROP} >= -0.000001;
param Prop_Cost{1..nPROP} >= 0; # for each proposal from subproblem:
                                      # amount it transports over each link,and its cost
var Wieght{1..nPROP} >= 0;
var Excess>= 0;
minimize Artificial: Excess;
minimize Total_Cost:
        sum{k in 1..nPROP}Prop_Cost[k]*Wieght[k];
subject to Multi{i in COLL,j in DIS}:
                                  sum{k in 1..nPROP}Prop_Transport[i,j,k]*Wieght[k]-Excess<= limit[i,j];
subject to convex:sum{k in 1..nPROP}Wieght[k] = 1;


param opt_transport{COLL,DIS} >= -0.000001;

minimize Opt_cost:
          sum{i in COLL,j in DIS,k in CON}cost[i,j,k]*Trans[i,j,k];
subject to Opt_Multi{i in COLL,j in DIS}:
          sum{k in CON}Trans[i,j,k] = opt_transport[i,j];

set COLL:= C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10;
set DIS:= D1 D2;
set CON:= t1 t2 t3 t4 t5;

param supply (tr): C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10:=

t1  20 10 15 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
t2  10 20 30 40 50 60 70 50 60 30
t3  30 40 50 20 10 70 80 90 100 102
t4  50 60 70 20 30 30 40 50 60 90
t5  70 80 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 80;

param demand (tr):
        D1 D2 :=
t1    30 50
t2    40 60
t3    60 70 
t4    80 90
t5    20 30;

param limit default 625;

param cost:=

[*,*,t1]: D1 D2 :=

C1      200 300
C2      300 400

[*,*,t2]: D1 D2 :=

C3    100 200
C4    300 400

[*,*,t3]: D1 D2:=

C5   500 200
C6   400 300

[*,*,t4]: D1 D2 :=

C7    400 500
C8   700 600

[*,*,t5]: D1 D2 :=

C9    200 100
C10  300 400;
ampl: model lan.mod;
ampl: data lan3.dat;

ampl: let nPROP:=0;
ampl: let price_convex:=1;
ampl: let {i in COLL, j in DIS}price[i,j]:=0;

ampl: option solver minos;
ampl: option omit_zero_rows 1;
ampl: option display_1col 10;
ampl: option display_eps .000001;

ampl: problem master: Artificial, Wieght, Excess, Multi, convex;
ampl: problem sub: Artif_Reduce_cost, Trans, Supply, Demand;

ampl: repeat {printf "\nPHASE I -- ITERATION %d\n\n", nPROP + 1;
repeat { ? ampl: solve sub;
repeat { ? ampl: printf "\n";
repeat { ? ampl: display Trans;
repeat { ? ampl: if Artif_Reduce_cost >=- 0.00001 then {printf "\n***NO FEASIBLE SOLUTION***\n";

if ... then { ? ampl: break;
if ... then { ? ampl: }
if ... then {...} ? ampl: else { let nPROP:=nPROP+1;
else { ? ampl: let {i in COLL, j in DIS}Prop_Transport[i,j,nPROP]:= sum{k in CON}Trans[i,j,k];
else { ? ampl: let Prop_Cost[nPROP]:=sum{i in COLL, j in DIS, k in CON}cost[i,j,k]*Trans[i,j,k];
else { ? ampl: };

repeat { ? ampl: solve master;
repeat { ? ampl: printf"\n";
repeat { ? ampl: display Wieght;
repeat { ? ampl: display Multi.dual;
repeat { ? ampl: display{i in COLL, j in DIS}limit[i,j]-sum{k in 1..nPROP}Prop_Transport[i,j,k]*Wieght[k];
repeat { ? ampl: if Excess <= 0.00001 then break;

if ... then {...} ? ampl: else {
else { ? ampl: let {i in COLL, j in DIS}price[i,j]:=Multi[i,j].dual;
else { ? ampl: let price_convex:= convex.dual;
else { ? ampl: };

repeat { ? ampl: };


check['t1'] at line 10 of lan.mod fails:
check{k in CON} : sum{i in COLL} supply[i,k] == sum{j in DIS} demand[j,k];

check['t2'] at line 10 of lan.mod fails.
check['t3'] at line 10 of lan.mod fails.
check['t4'] at line 10 of lan.mod fails.
check['t5'] at line 10 of lan.mod fails.

Error executing "solve" command:
error processing objective Artif_Reduce_cost:
no value for cost['C1','D1','t2']


Your model has a “check” statement:

check {k in CON}:
   sum {i in COLL} supply[i,k] = sum {j in DIS} demand[j,k];

When you get this error message,

check['t1'] at line 10 of lan.mod fails:
check{k in CON} : sum{i in COLL} supply[i,k] == sum{j in DIS} demand[j,k];

it means that, for your data, the check is failing, because sum{i in COLL} supply[i,'t1'] does not equal sum{j in DIS} demand[j,'t1']. Subsequent error messages say that there is the same error for 't2', 't3', etc. You should either remove the “check” statement, or fix the data so that the check conditions are satisfied.

You are also seeing this error:

Error executing "solve" command:
error processing objective Artif_Reduce_cost:
no value for cost['C1','D1','t2']

This is because objective objective Artif_Reduce_cost refers to cost['C1','D1','t2'], but there is no value for cost['C1','D1','t2'] in your data.

To avoid having to type all of the AMPL commands many times, you should put them into a file like attached. Then you only have to type include to execute all of the commands. (I see only “PHASE I” mentioned, so maybe this is only the first part of the file.) (1.1 KB)