Given a sequence of training examples x_i \in \mathbf{R}^m, each labelled with its class y_i\in \{0,1\} and we seek to find the weights \theta \in \mathbf{R}^m which maximize the function:
where S is the logistic function S(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} that estimates the probability of a binary classifier to be 0 or 1.
This function can be efficiently optimized using exponential cones with MOSEK!
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1.1. Convex optimization model for logistic regression
Define the logistic function
Next, given an observation x\in\mathbf{R}^d and weights \theta\in\mathbf{R}^d we set
The weights vector \theta is part of the setup of the classifier. The expression
h_\theta(x) is interpreted as the probability that x belongs to class 1.
When asked to classify x the returned answer is
When training a logistic regression algorithm we are given a sequence of training examples x_i,
each labelled with its class y_i\in \{0,1\} and we seek to find the weights \theta which
maximize the likelihood function \textstyle \prod_i h_\theta(x_i)^{y_i}(1-h_\theta(x_i))^{1-y_i}.
Of course every single y_i equals 0 or 1, so just one factor appears in the product for each training data point:
By taking logarithms we obtain a sum that is easier to optimize:
Note that by negating we obtain the logarithmic loss function:
The training problem with regularization (a standard technique to prevent overfitting) is now equivalent to
This formulation can be solved with a general nonlinear solver, such as IPOPT.
Convex optimization model for Logistic Regression
Model file “logistic_regression.mod”:
set DIMS; # Dimensionality of x
param y{POINTS} binary; # Points' classes
param x{POINTS, DIMS};
param lambda; # Regularization parameter
var theta{DIMS}; # Regression parameter vector
var hTheta{i in POINTS}
= 1 / (1 + exp( - sum{d in DIMS} theta[d]*x[i, d] ));
minimize LogisticReg: # General nonlinear formulation
- sum {i in POINTS: y[i] >0.5} log( hTheta[i] )
- sum {i in POINTS: y[i]<=0.5} log( 1.0 - hTheta[i] )
+ lambda * sqrt( sum {d in DIMS} theta[d]^2 );
Using from Python with amplpy:
def logistic_regression(label, data, lambd, solver):
from amplpy import AMPL
# load the model
ampl = AMPL()"logistic_regression.mod")
# load the data
ampl.set["POINTS"] = data.index
ampl.set["DIMS"] = data.columns
ampl.param["x"] = data
ampl.param["y"] = label
ampl.param["lambda"] = lambd
# solve
ampl.option["solver"] = solver
assert ampl.get_value("solve_result") == "solved"
# return solution
return ampl.var["theta"].to_pandas()
1.2. Conic optimization model for logistic regression
For a conic solver such as MOSEK, we need to reformulate the problem.
The objective function can equivalently be phrased as
The key point is to implement the softplus bound t\geq \log(1+e^u), which is the simplest example of a log-sum-exp constraint for two terms. Here t is a scalar variable and u will be the affine expression of the form \pm \theta^Tx_i. This is equivalent to
and further to
Conic optimization model for Logistic Regression
Model file “logistic_regression_conic.mod”:
set DIMS; # Dimensionality of x
param y{POINTS} binary; # Points' classes
param x{POINTS, DIMS};
param lambda; # Regularization parameter
var theta{DIMS}; # Regression parameter vector
var t{POINTS};
var u{POINTS};
var v{POINTS};
var r >= 0;
minimize LogisticRegConic:
sum {i in POINTS} t[i] + lambda * r;
s.t. Softplus1{i in POINTS}: # reformulation of softplus
u[i] + v[i] <= 1;
s.t. Softplus2{i in POINTS}:
u[i] >= exp(
(if y[i]>0.5 then -1 else 1)
* (sum {d in DIMS} theta[d] * x[i, d])
- t[i]
s.t. Softplus3{i in POINTS}:
v[i] >= exp(-t[i]);
s.t. NormTheta: # Quadratic cone for regularizer
r^2 >= sum {d in DIMS} theta[d]^2;
Using from Python with amplpy:
def logistic_regression_conic(label, data, lambd, solver):
from amplpy import AMPL
# load the model
ampl = AMPL()"logistic_regression_conic.mod")
# load the data
ampl.set["POINTS"] = data.index
ampl.set["DIMS"] = data.columns
ampl.param["x"] = data
ampl.param["y"] = label
ampl.param["lambda"] = lambd
# solve
ampl.option["solver"] = solver
assert ampl.get_value("solve_result") == "solved"
# return solution
return ampl.var["theta"].to_pandas()