I am currently writing a simple bin packing problem using an AMPL model.
The idea is to have orders and carts and minimize the total cost.
Each order must be assigned to a cart, and a cart can have more than 20 orders. The objective is to determine which order should be assigned to which cart.
I have written the following code, but my modelis not working correctly. When I change Max_Carts, the Total_Cost increases. It seems like model is forcing the carts to have at least one order.
I would like the constraint to ensure that each order is assigned to a cart, but not that each cart must have an order. It is possible for a cart to have zero orders.
Can you help me ?
set ORDERS; # Ensemble des commandes
param Cost{ORDERS}; # Coût de chaque commande
param Max_Order_Per_Cart = 20; # Nombre maximal de commandes par chariot
param Max_Carts = 10;
var Assign{ORDERS, c in 1..Max_Carts} binary; # Variable de décision : affectation d'une commande à un chariot (binaire)
var Cart_Cost{c in 1..Max_Carts} >= 0; # Coût de chaque chariot (positif ou nul)
minimize Total_Cost: sum {c in 1..Max_Carts} (Cart_Cost[c] + 1); # Minimisation du coût total
subject to Cart_Assignment{o in ORDERS}:
sum {c in 1..Max_Carts} Assign[o, c] = 1; # Contrainte : chaque commande est assignée à au plus un chariot
subject to Max_Order_Per_Cart_Constraint{c in 1..Max_Carts}:
sum {o in ORDERS} Assign[o, c] <= Max_Order_Per_Cart; # Contrainte : nombre maximal de commandes> par chariot
subject to Cart_Cost_Constraint2{c in 1..Max_Carts}:
Cart_Cost[c] >= sum {o in ORDERS} Cost[o] * Assign[o, c]; # Contrainte : le coût du chariot est supérieur ou égal au coût de la commande la plus chère