Bug with AMPL constructor using special caracters (C#)

Hi everyone,

I am using the C# API of AMPL and I have encountered an issue with the following code:

var ampl = new AMPL(new ampl.Environment(@"C:\AmplInstall"));

If the directory path contains special characters (such as 'é'), it fails to work, and I get the following error:
AMPL could not be started: no such file or directory

Is there any way to work around this issue?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Nobody can help me regarding this issue ?

Hi @Nico_ampl,

A new release of the C# API is being prepared and it includes a fix for this issue. It should be released very soon. Meanwhile, the workaround is to avoid having special characters in the path to the AMPL installation directory.

Thank you for your quick anwer.
Keep me informed when the new version is released.