table 1
The first table depends on the parameters T and D, where T stands for time and D stands for demand. The second table also includes the parameter G, which stands for generator.
For example:
- At time t01, producing from generator g1 costs 13.32. (from first table i ever shared)
- The same generator, g1, has a certain power capacity (as shown in Table 2).
- At the same time t01, demand D1 requires 67.48173 units (as shown in Table 1).
but im not being able to read the first table i ever shared
so far im using this writing to read table 1 and table 2:
table Tiempo IN “amplxl” “DTU-Perfiles1.xlsx” “periods”:
T ← [T];
read table Tiempo;
table Generacion IN “amplxl” “dtu.xlsx” “gen”:
[G] IN, pmax,pmin;
table Demandas IN “amplxl” “dtu.xlsx” “dem”:
[D] IN, dem;
table Perfil_Demandas IN “amplxl” “DTU-Perfiles1.xlsx” “dem” “2D”:
[D, T], prfl_dem;
table GeneracionCX IN “amplxl” “dtu.xlsx” “gen”:
Gn ← [G, B];
table DemandaCX IN “amplxl” “dtu.xlsx” “dem”:
Dn ← [D, B];
set T ordered ; # periodos
set B default {} ; # barras
set G ; # generadores
set D ; # demandas
set Gn within {G, B} ; # conexion de generadores
set Dn within {D, B} ; # conexion de demandas
set L dimen 2;
set FROM = setof {(i,j) in L} j;
set TO = setof {(i,j) in L} i;
param po {G, T} >= 0 ; # precio de oferta
param pmin {G} >= 0 ; # potencia minima de generacion de cada G
param pmax {G} >= 0 ; # capacidad ofertada
param fmax {L} >= 0 ; # capacidad por linea
param xlin {L} >= 0 ; # reactancia de la linea
param dem {D} >= 0 ; # potencia consumida
param prfl_dem {D, T} >= 0 ; # perfil de demanda / dem