Is there an IDE (graphical integrated development environment) for AMPL?

Yes, access to AMPL IDE is included with all purchases and trials of AMPL. Optirisk Systems offers extended versions of the IDE with support of stochastic and robust optimization. There are also several experimental AMPL graphical interfaces for Windows that are available for downloading at no charge.

If you are using Linux or a Unix-based system, AMPL’s command-line environment should run nicely within a command or text window. The computer’s windowing software lets you scroll back through an AMPL session and copy previous AMPL commands. You can set up other windows to simultaneously view the model and data. A similar, free scrolling-window utility ( sw.exe ) is supplied for use with AMPL’s command-line environment under Windows. You might also want to look into editors can be configured with syntax highlighting specific to AMPL.