Greetings to the esteemed AMPL team. I am a current student and have applied for a trial of octeract. According to the official website for octeract:
ampl: option solver octeract; # change the solver
ampl: option octeract_options 'option1=value1 option2=value2'; # specify options
ampl: solve; # solve the problem
I made the call to octeract in AMPL, but I get the following result:
Set to *option1=value1 option2=value2 MIP_SOLVER=CPLEX*
Option name mismatch. could not find option with name "OPTION1".
Could not find option with name "OPTION1". exit value 1
May I ask why this result occurs? Obviously, octeract is still in the trial period, why can’t I use it?
Thanks so much for answering so quickly! I realized what my problem was. After I removed the statement "option octeract_options ‘option1=value1 option2=value2’;; from the template, when solving with “option solver octeract;solve;” is the default option of the solver “octeract” being called?
But using “option solver octeract;solve;” gives me this result:
Error at _cmdno 17 executing “solve” command
(file, line 48, offset 1352).
Solution obtained using an unauthorized or unknown solver. Please contact”.
Solution obtained using an unauthorized or unknown solver. Please contact"
What is the reason for this? Should I add or specify a statement to use the solver correctly?“octeract”?
Forgot to note: I downloaded the AMPL bundle demo package which includes kestrel, my computer is windows and all of the above was done in the AMPL IDE.