I have an ampl.tab format file containing data that I am using for multiple models. As a result, there are some columns that are only relevant to some of the models. Is there a way to read this data in without needing to define the irrelevant parameters?
For example, this is what the file looks like:
ampl.tab 1 8
CELL_IDS tableVal suppressionCost suppressionVal lowerBound upperBound LPL UPL
IA 20 20 0 0 190 0 0
IIC 22 22 1 0 190 5 5
TB 101 101 0 0 190 0 0
And in one model I might have the declarations
param tableVal {CELL_IDS};
param lowerBound {CELL_IDS};
param upperBound {CELL_IDS};
while the other has
param tableVal {CELL_IDS};
param suppressionVal {CELL_IDS};
param suppressionCost {CELL_IDS};
param LPL {CELL_IDS};
param UPL {CELL_IDS};