When uploading my model, I receive an error corresponding to every constraint that I express. The error seems to be related with the work “subject”, part of the “subject to” with which I introduce the constraint. The same happens if I write “s.t.” instead of “Subject to”.
The error I get is the following:
modello.mod, line 18 (offset 699):
syntax error
context: >>> subject <<< to capacity_pads {p in P, t in T} : sum{k in K} x_land[p, t, k] + sum{k in K} x_to[p,t,k] <= Cp[p];
My model is the following:
set P; # insieme di pads
set T; # istanti di tempo
set K; # aerei
param Cp{p in P}; # capacità pads
param T_land; # tempo landing
param T_to; # tempo takeoff
param T_ta; # tempo turnaround
param n_stand; # numero stands
param t_segnato in T;
var x_land {p in P, t in T, k in K} binary; # >= 0; # aereo k che atterra su pad P al tempo T
var x_to {p in P, t in T, k in K} binary;# >= 0; # aereo k che decolla da pad P al tempo T
maximize capacity : sum {p in P, t in T, k in K} x_land[p, t, k] + sum {p in P, t in T, k in K} x_to [p, t, k]
subject to capacity_pads {p in P, t in T} : sum{k in K} x_land[p, t, k] + sum{k in K} x_to[p,t,k] <= Cp[p];
subject to pad_decolli {t in T, k in K}: x_land[1,t,k] = 0;
subject to pad_atterraggi {t in T, k in K}: x_to [2,t,k] = 0;
(there are other constraints but they are not relevant for this problem)
Any help would be really appreciated.