Unexpected results

I have the next model:

set PL;
set CD;
set ZC;
set PROD;

param WACC >=0;
param TD>=0;
param INVP {PL,PERIODO}>=0;
param INVCD {CD,PERIODO}>=0;
param TAX {PERIODO}>=0;
param CAPP {PL} >=0;
param CAPCD {CD} >=0;
param tasa{PERIODO}>=0;

var ingresos {t in PERIODO} >=0;
var totalcost {t in PERIODO} >=0;
var depreciacion {t in PERIODO}>=0;
var prcost {t in PERIODO}>=0;
var trcost {t in PERIODO} >=0;
var opcost {t in PERIODO}>=0;
var ppe {t in PERIODO}>=0;
var fai {t in PERIODO}>=0;
var pcdflow {p in PROD, i in PL, j in CD, t in PERIODO} >=0;
var cdzcflow {p in PROD, j in CD, k in ZC, t in PERIODO}>=0;
var w {i in PL, t in PERIODO} binary;
var x {j in CD, t in PERIODO} binary;

var UtilOperat >=0;
var Utiliddw{t in PERIODO} >= 0;

#función objetivo
maximize Descontado:
sum{t in PERIODO}((ingresos[t]-totalcost[t])/tasa[t]);

subject to calculo_ingresos {t in PERIODO}:
ingresos[t] = sum{p in PROD, j in CD, k in ZC}cdzcflow[p,j,k,t]*PRICE[p,k,t];

subject to utilidad_operativa:
UtilOperat = sum{t in PERIODO}(ingresos[t]-totalcost[t]);

subject to calculomes {t in PERIODO}:
Utiliddw[t] = (ingresos[t]-totalcost[t]);

subject to calculo_prcost {t in PERIODO}:
prcost[t] = sum {p in PROD, i in PL, j in CD} pcdflow[p,i,j,t]*PRCOST[p,i,t];

subject to calculo_trcost{t in PERIODO}:
trcost[t] = sum {p in PROD, i in PL, j in CD}(pcdflow[p,i,j,t]*FLTPCD[p,i,j,t]) + sum{p in PROD, j in CD, k in ZC}(cdzcflow[p,j,k,t]*FLTCDZC[p,j,k,t]);

subject to calculo_opcost{t in PERIODO}:
opcost[t] = sum {i in PL} (OPCOSTP[i,t]*w[i,t]) + sum {j in CD}(OPCOSTCD[j,t]*x[j,t]);

subject to calculo_totalcost {t in PERIODO}:
totalcost[t] = opcost[t] + trcost [t]+ prcost[t];

subject to depreciacion_ini:

subject to calculo_depreciacion {t in PERIODO: t>1 }:
depreciacion[t] = ppe[t-1]*TD;

subject to ppe_ini:

subject to calculo_ppe {t in PERIODO: t>1}:
ppe[t] = ppe[t-1] + fai[t];

subject to fai_ini:
fai[1]= sum {i in PL}(INVP[i,1]*w[i,1]) + sum{j in CD} (INVCD[j,1]*x[j,1]);

subject to calculo_fai { t in PERIODO: t>1}:
fai[t]= sum {i in PL}( INVP[i,t](w[i,t]-w[i,t-1]) ) + sum{j in CD} ( INVCD[j,t](x[j,t]-x[j,t-1]) );

subject to cappl {i in PL, t in PERIODO}:
sum {p in PROD, j in CD} pcdflow [p,i,j,t] <= CAPP[i]*w[i,t];

subject to capcd {j in CD, t in PERIODO}:
sum {p in PROD, i in PL} pcdflow [p,i,j,t] <= CAPCD[j]*x[j,t];

subject to demanda {p in PROD, k in ZC, t in PERIODO}:
sum {j in CD} cdzcflow[p,j,k,t] = DEMANDA[p,k,t];

subject to balance {p in PROD,j in CD, t in PERIODO}:
sum { i in PL} pcdflow[p,i,j,t] = sum { k in ZC} cdzcflow[p,j,k,t];

subject to cd_abierta {j in CD, t in PERIODO: t>1}:#si el CD abre se mantiene abierto
x[j,t-1] <= x[j,t];

subject to pl_abierta {i in PL, t in PERIODO: t>1}:#Si la planta abre se mantiene abierta
w[i,t-1] <= w[i,t];

#subject to num_bodegas {t in PERIODO}:
#sum {j in CD} x[j,t] = 2;

When I print the results the following appears:
ingresos [*] :=
1 1000000000.0
2 1000000000.0
3 2000000000.0

totalcost [*] :=
1 1000000000.0
2 1000000000.0
3 1000000000.0

Utiliddw [*] :=
1 200000000.0
2 200000000.0
3 200000000.0

Why does Utiliddw show a value of 200000000.0 when it should show the result of 1000000000.0-1000000000.0 = 0. I greatly appreciate any help you can give me.

Given only the model, it is hard to know. Can you give some more information?

  1. Display the values instead with these commands, and paste the result into your reply:
option display_precision 0;
option display_round '';
display ingresos, totalcost, Utiliddw;
  1. Copy all of the output from the solver, and paste it into your reply.

  2. If possible, provide the data for your problem. (You can upload a file of data by using the “upload” icon at the top of the Discourse editor window.)

I appreciate your response. This morning, I couldn’t believe it when I found out it was a typographical error in option display_precision 0;, which I had written as option display_precision 1, and the calculations sent by the solver only contained one significant figure. By setting it to ‘0’, the problem was solved.

Once again, thank you very much, and I apologize for my rookie mistake.