I hope that someone can help me. What does the following error message mean? Does anyone find the error?
Thanks for help.
ampl: option solver cplex;
ampl: model RCPSP_Erweiterung.mod;
ampl: data RCPSP_Erweiterung.dat;
ampl: solve;
Error executing “solve” command:
error processing constraint constraint3[1]:
invalid subscript x[‘D1’,1]
set J; # set of activities
set M;
set L;
set I;
param Sink symbolic in J; # dummy activity that succeeds all other activities
set V {j in J}; # set of predecessors of activity j
set R; # set of resources
param d{j in J} >= 0; # duration of activity j
param EF{j in J} >= 0; # earliest finish time of activity j
param LF{j in J} >= 0; # latest finish time of activity j
param k{j in J, r in R} >= 0; # demand of activity j on resource r
param K{r in R} >= 0; # (renewable) capacity of resource r at any time t
param T := sum{j in J} d[j]; # simple, but not very tight, upper bound on the makespan
check {j in J}: LF[j] <= T; # just a simple check, time-windows (EF[j],LF[j]) can be calculated e.g. with Critical Path Method
var x{j in J, t in EF[j]…LF[j]} binary; # Binary variable indicating the completion of activity j at time t
minimize Makespan:
sum{t in EF[Sink]…LF[Sink]} t * x[Sink,t];
subject to Completion {j in J}:
sum{t in EF[j]…LF[j]} x[j,t] = 1;
subject to Precedence_Relations {j in J diff Source, h in V[j]}:
sum{t in EF[h]…LF[h]} t * x[h,t] <= sum{t in EF[j]…LF[j]} (t - d[j]) * x[j,t];
subject to Capacity {r in R, t in 1…T}:
sum{j in J} k[j,r] * sum{q in max(t,EF[j])…min(t+d[j]-1,LF[j])} x[j,q] <= K[r];
subject to constraint1 {t in 1…T}:
if sum{j in J diff L} x[j,t] >= 1 then sum{j in J diff I} x[j,t] = 0;
subject to constraint2 {t in 1…T}:
sum{j in J diff M} x[j,t] <= 1;
set J := A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 S;
set M := A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 D1 D2 D3 S;
set L := A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 D3 S;
set I := D1 D2 D3 S;
param Sink := S;
set V[‘A2’] := A1;
set V[‘A3’] := A2;
set V[‘B1’] := A3;
set V[‘B2’] := B1;
set V[‘B3’] := B2;
set V[‘B4’] := B3;
set V[‘B5’] := B4;
set V[‘B6’] := B5;
set V[‘B7’] := B6;
set V[‘B8’] := B2;
set V[‘B9’] := B3;
set V[‘C1’] := B9 B8 B7;
set V[‘C2’] := B9 B8 B7;
set V[‘C3’] := C1;
set V[‘C4’] := C1;
set V[‘C5’] := C1;
set V[‘D1’] := B5;
set V[‘D2’] := B5;
set V[‘D3’] := C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2;
set V[‘S’] := D3;
set R := 8;
param d := A1 10 A2 8 A3 1 B1 1 B2 4 B3 4 B4 8 B5 8 B6 4 B7 4 B8 6 B9 10 C1 4 C2 6 C3 3 C4 3 C5 4 D1 45 D2 16 D3 1 S 0;
param EF := A1 10 A2 18 A3 19 B1 20 B2 24 B3 28 B4 36 B5 44 B6 48 B7 52 B8 30 B9 38 C1 56 C2 58 C3 59 C4 59 C5 60 D1 89 D2 60 D3 118 S 118;
param LF := A1 10 A2 18 A3 19 B1 20 B2 24 B3 28 B4 36 B5 44 B6 93 B7 97 B8 97 B9 97 C1 107 C2 117 C3 117 C4 117 C5 117 D1 117 D2 117 D3 118 S 118;
param k : 8 :=
A1 2
A2 2
A3 2
B1 1
B2 2
B3 3
B4 2
B5 2
B6 2
B7 2
B8 1
B9 1
C1 1
C2 1
C3 1
C4 1
C5 1
D1 1
D2 1
D3 1
S 0 ;
param K := 8 8;