Good evening, I am currently facing an issue where I cannot display the iterative process when running CPLEX 22.1.1 in AMPL. Previously, I could see the iterative process with the options option cplex_options “threads=0 mipdisplay=2”;, but now that I have requested a new license for AMPL for the year 2025, I can no longer see the iterative process when running my mathematical models. If anyone has a solution to this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for reporting this issue. The latest version of CPLEX for AMPL switched to the new MP interface library, which currently has this bug in handling mipdisplay=2. The bug has been reported, and will be fixed in the next CPLEX for AMPL release.
To work around the problem, you can use outlev=1 to see output similar to that of mipdisplay=2. Alternatively, you can temporarily go back to using the older ASL interface library, by selecting “option solver cplexasl;”.
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