Show current best objective value every 30 minutes


I’m solving an ILP problem with AMPL+Cplex. It takes a long time to get optimum solution. I want to output the current found best objective value every 30 minutes. Is it possible with AMPL?

Thank you!

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Hi @qiaolunzhang,

Are you using AMPL via APIs? If that is the case we have solver interfaces with callbacks ( that would allow implementing a progress report callback.


Thank you for your reply. I’m using AMPL directly rather than through any API (e.g., Python). Is there any solution if I"m using AMPL directly?

Thank you!

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Using AMPL directly, you can set the CPLEX option mipdisplay to 1 (e.g., option cplex_options 'mipdisplay=1') and it should display every time a new feasible solution is found. Some other options (CPLEX Options — AMPL Resources) may allow reducing the frequency it displays, but it may not be easy to get just the best objective every 30 minutes.