AMPL Minimum Path for multiple agents Support

Hi, I’m try to do this exercise:

Let there be an undirected graph with arcs all having travel time equal to 1. n agents move on this graph. Each agent i has origin node oi and a destination node di. Define a mathematical model to minimize the sum of the minimum paths of all agents, taking into account that agents cannot be at the same instant at a node or along an arc and considering the time component.


set NODES; #set of nodes set EDGES within (NODES cross NODES); #set of edges set AGENTS; #set of agents


param Source{AGENTS} symbolic in NODES; #starting node for each agent param Destination{k in AGENTS} symbolic in NODES, != Source[k]; #destination node for each agent param b{AGENTS} >= 0 default 1; #flow of each agent param c{EDGES} >=0, default 1; #cost of each edge param d{EDGES} >= 0, default 1; #capacity of each edge


var x{EDGES,AGENTS} binary; #binary variable indicating whether agent k is on edge (i,j) var y{NODES,AGENTS} binary; #binary variable indicating whether agent k is on node I


#two agents cannot have the same starting node subject to no_same_source{k1 in AGENTS, k2 in AGENTS: k1 < k2 and Source[k1] = Source[k2]}: sum{i in NODES} y[i,k1] + sum{i in NODES} y[i,k2] <= 1;

#two agents cannot have the same destination node subject to no_same_dest{k1 in AGENTS, k2 in AGENTS: k1 < k2 and Destination[k1] = Destination[k2]}: sum{i in NODES} y[i,k1] + sum{i in NODES} y[i,k2] <= 1;

#flow balance on nodes
subject to flow_balance{j in NODES, k in AGENTS : j != Source[k] and j != Destination[k] } : sum{h in NODES : (j,h) in EDGES} x[j,h,k] - sum{h in NODES : (h,j) in EDGES} x[h,j,k] = 0;

Each agent must start from its source node

subject to source_balance{k in AGENTS}: sum{h in NODES : (Source[k], h) in ARCS} x[Source[k], h, k] - sum{h in NODES : (h, Source[k]) in ARCS} x[h, Source[k], k] = b[k];

Each agent must reach its destination node

subject to destination_balance{k in AGENTS}: sum{h in NODES : (Destination[k], h) in ARCS} x[Destination[k], h, k] - sum{h in NODES : (h, Destination[k]) in ARCS} x[h, Destination[k], k] = -b[k];

Each arc must respect its capacity

subject to maximum_capacity{(i, j) in ARCS}: sum{k in AGENTS} x[i, j, k] + sum{k in AGENTS} x[j, i, k] <= d[i, j];

No agent overlap on nodes

subject to no_node_overlap{k in AGENTS, i in NODES}: sum{j in NODES : (i, j) in ARCS} x[i, j, k] <= y[i, k];

No agent overlap on arcs

subject to no_arc_overlap{k in AGENTS, (i, j) in ARCS}: x[i, j, k] + x[j, i, k] <= y[i, k] + y[j, k] - 1;


minimize total_cost : sum{(i, j) in ARCS} c[i, j] * (sum{k in AGENTS} x[i, j, k])

Can help me? Undestanding why this not work.
in case you would be able to write the mathematical model so then I translate it into ampl

This model is already written in AMPL, so you do not need to translate it into AMPL. But to get help, you will need to ask a more specific question:

  1. Explain why you think it is not working. If AMPL is giving you an error message, copy the entire message into your question. If you are getting a wrong solution, explain why you think the solution is not correct.

  2. Attach the files you are using. You can attach files by clicking on the upload icon at the top of the Discourse editor window.