Gurobi parameter not in the reference manual

I was checking the AMPL Gurobi Parameter Reference and could not find the following parameter: InfUnbdInfo

Could it have an alternative name?

ampl.setOption(“gurobi_options”, “InfUnbdInfo=1 outlev=1 seed=123 TimeLimit=300”);

gives me: Gurobi 11.0.3: Unknown option or invalid key “InfUnbdInfo”
in Matlab API.

Thank you!

It seems that InfUnbdInfo may have crept into Gurobi 11 without notice. In any case, its absence from the listing of AMPL’s Gurobi options has been reported, so that it can be added.

You could try the following in the Matlab API:

ampl.setOption("gurobi_options", "optionnative='InfUnbdInfo 1' outlev=1 seed=123 TimeLimit=300");

Here, the special option optionnative is used for passing a parameter to Gurobi that’s not in the AMPL documentation.

Yes, this works. Thank you very much!