[AMPL 25051] Error Neos

amplin, line 114 (offset 2542): Can't find file "T3p1.mod" 
context: model >>> T3p1.mod <<< ;
Executing AMPL. processing data. processing commands. 
Executing on http://prod-exec-6.neos-server.org/
Error (6) in /opt/ampl/ampl -R amplin


For security reasons, the NEOS browser interface disables AMPL file-reading commands like “model T3p1.mod;”. That is why the model statement in your run file is rejected as an error.

To fix the problem, remove or comment out your model statement, and instead specify the model file separately, by clicking Choose File under Model File on the NEOS solver page:


If you have a data statement that reads a data file, you will need to also remove that from the run file, and specify it instead under Data File.

Your question has been moved to our new user forum at discuss.ampl.com, and a response has been posted there. To see the response, use this link:


To reply, click the red “Reply” button that follows the response. (Do not send an email reply to this message.)