IDE for Windows: Non-responsive on New File Creation

I am currently teaching an introductory operations research course and am requiring my students to use the size-limited demo. My students use windows platforms are encountering an issue with the IDE. In particular, the IDE freezes after the creation of a new file if a model and data file have already been created. Is there a fix for this?

Dear @dhgutman
Thank you for the report!

I’m not able to reproduce the behaviour you mentioned. If possible I’ll ask you to let us know the version of the IDE that you are using (you can find it in help->About) and post a screenshot of the ocurrence.
Thank you!

Best regards,


It’s my students who are facing the issue. There’s not much to screenshot. They open the AMPL IDE, try to create a new file, and then the IDE freezes.

Dear @dhgutman

Please make sure that:

  • your students have write access to the folders where they are trying to write the new files.
  • AMPL IDE was not blocked by antivirus software.

If the situation persists please ask the students that are experiencing this issue to attach the log file of AMPL IDE to this thread
The log file is in
Note that the log file is hidden, your students will have to change the visibility options to access them.
Best regards,
