Re: [AMPL 24982] Problem with Extended Function Library, "Cannot find library amplgsl.dll"

Today I install AMPL , but it show
"Error executing “load” command:
Cannot find library “C:\Users\吴巧\Desktop\其他代做\AMPL\amplide\plugins\com.ampl.ide_4.0.0.202308171617\lib\amplsig.dll”,
Through the method you introduced, I found that there is no “amplsig.dll” in my installation folder,there are “amplsig_64.dll” and “amplsig_32.dll”.
By the way ,it always show “Can’t find file “Q2.mod” context: model >>> Q2.mod <<<ampl: model Q2.mod;”,but the model is in the main folder.
it would be really helpful if someone could help in solving this error.


在2022年6月3日星期五 UTC+8 23:20:33 写道:

In order to understand the issue you are facing I’ll ask you to reset the IDE: open the IDE and in the toolbar go to the “Window” tab and select “Reset and Restart IDE”.
Afterwards I’ll ask you to use the IDE and see what happens.

If the situation persists please send us the log file of AMPL IDE.
The log file is in:

  • Windows: ~\AppData\Local\amplide.metadata.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/amplide/.metadata/.log
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/amplide/.metadata/.log
    Note that the log file is hidden, you will have to change the visibility options to access it.